Ankylosis, or Anchylosis is a acerbity of a joint, the aftereffect of abrasion or disease. The acerbity may be complete or fractional and may be due to deepening of the tendinous or able-bodied structures alfresco the collective or of the tissues of the collective itself. Noma - a addle ache still boundless a part of angular accouchement active on the borders of the Sahara arid - can could cause ankylosis of the bone and mandible, impairing the adeptness to allege and eat.
When the structures alfresco the collective are affected, the appellation "false" ankylosis has been acclimated in animosity to "true" ankylosis, in which the ache is aural the joint. If deepening has acquired the joint-ends of the basic to be alloyed calm the ankylosis is termed osseous or complete. Excision of a absolutely ankylosed accept or bend may restore chargeless advancement and account to the limb. "Ankylosis" is aswell acclimated as an anatomical term, basic getting said to ankylose (or anchylose) when, from getting originally distinct, they coalesce, or become so abutting calm that no motion can yield abode amid them.
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